HIV/AIDS Support Group Finder

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HealthyWomen has put together support group options to unite those affected by HIV/AIDS. Support groups can vary in format with in-person groups, virtual groups, social media pages, blogs, mobile apps and others. Support groups help connect people who are going through similar experiences and can offer information and advice related to HIV/AIDS.

HealthyWomen offers these resources for information purposes only. We do not endorse or recommend these websites specifically. Always be sure to do your own research and find support that works for you. In addition, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about HIV/AIDS and your personal treatment plan.

Support groups based on:

The following resources give support group and medical provider options based on ZIP code or state and city. In addition to the groups listed below, you can:

Call your local hospital and ask about its HIV/AIDS support programs

Ask your social worker to suggest support groups

Talk to other patients who have tried support groups and may be able to recommend some that might also work for you

Find your local community center, which usually has information about local resources and other support groups

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Medical Provider

These support groups offer phone, email, video call and virtual support meeting options. They also provide information for the person with HIV/AIDS, family members or someone concerned about someone else with HIV/AIDS.

The Tribe Wellness Community for HIV/AIDS

Positive Peers — A Private Support App

My HIV Team App

HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator
Ryan White State HIV/AIDS Hotlines

These support groups are on social media sites that offer ways to post anonymous questions, share tips or provide advice. Also, some options offer HIV/AIDS blog topics ranging from events to living well to research and news.

The Well Project Blog

POZ Community Forum HIV/AIDS

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV Facebook Group

For more information related to HIV/AIDS, check out some of HealthyWomen’s educational resources.

HealthyWomen Resources

Your Words Can Make a Difference in the Fight Against HIV Stigma
HIV, Aging and Whole Person Care
How HIV Affects Menopause and Menopause Affects HIV
PrEP and PEP: Prevention for HIV
Clinically Speaking: Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider About Your HIV Treatment
Why Isn’t HIV Care Reaching Those Who Need It Most?
Graphic Article: When Grandma Has HIV
It May Come as a Surprise, but Older Women Get HIV, Too
HIV and Older Women
The Connection Between HIV and Mental Health in the Older Adult
Growing Older with HIV
I Believe I Am Aging Faster Because I Have HIV
Keeping My HIV Diagnosis a Secret for a Year Taught Me a Lot About People’s Stereotypes
From Shame to Advocacy: My Decades-Long Journey Living — and Thriving with HIV
Ask the Expert: HIV and Aging Video
Webinar: Assessing Current Knowledge Related to HIV, Aging and Women’s Health

En Español

En qué forma el VIH afecta la menopausia y viceversa
PPrE y PEP: Prevención para el VIH
Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas para tu proveedor de servicios médicos sobre tu tratamiento del VIH
Envejecer con VIH
¿Por qué los servicios médicos para el VIH no están llegando a las personas que más los necesitan?
Esto podría sorprenderle, pero mujeres de mayor edad también pueden contraer el VIH

This resource was created with support from Gilead.