#YesYouScan Know Your Risk For Osteoporosis

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Thank you for visiting the HealthyWomen #YesYouScan Campaign! Did you know approximately
10 million Americans have osteoporosis, and around one out of every two women are likely to break a bone because of the disease in their lifetime?

Osteoporosis causes your bones to become brittle. Unfortunately, however, you can’t feel your bones getting weaker, and there are often no warning signs of osteoporosis. But you can
take steps to keep your bones strong and healthy — and you’re never too young to start.

#YesYouScan campaign featured on Good Morning Washington

No Bones About It – Get Your DXA Scan

A great first step is to get preventive bone screenings — known as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or DXA, scans — to help you change the path of this disease. DXA scans are a powerful tool for predicting fractures. And they are fast, easy, noninvasive and painless to perform.

Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

There are many things you can do to help elevate the importance of bone health screenings for all women!

Click here to take our #YesYouScan pledge — Whether you’re pledging to make an appointment to get your DXA scan or to talk to a loved one about their bone health, you’re helping raise awareness of the importance of preventive screening.
Contact Your Congressperson — Bone density tests are extremely effective at predicting future risk of fractures, yet testing has declined since 2007, when cuts in Medicare Part B for scans done in a doctor’s office took effect. Our friends at the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation have an easy way you can connect directly to your congressional representative about legislation that would address this issue and increase access and affordability for DXA scans.

We’re also
reaching out to the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, and the Congressional members who are leading efforts to give women more access to DXA scans, to encourage them to get involved in our YesYouScan campaign.
Post on Social — We’ve prepared posts for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that you can simply share on your social channels.




Learn More

Are You at Risk for Osteoporosis?

How Do Hormones Affect Osteoporosis?

Taking on Mountains — and Osteoporosis

Let’s Talk About Osteoporosis

Fast Facts: 10 Facts About Osteoporosis in Women

What Increases Your Risk for Bone Fractures and Osteoporosis?

How Women of All Ages Can Prevent Osteoporosis

My Family’s History With Osteoporosis Changed My Medical Career Path

How To Avoid Falls in Your Home

8 Foods to Eat for Healthy Bones

7 Ways to Prevent Bone Loss

Women and Bone Health Basics