Discover our vision, mission and goal of ensuring equitable care to underserved communities across the healthcare ecosystem.
Healthcare Inequity Demographics
Health inequities are systematic differences in the
opportunities groups have to achieve optimal health,
leading to unfair and avoidable differences in health outcomes.
Our health care system continues to be prove due to conscious
and unconscious biases, resources are not allocated
fairly among races, sexes, or social classes, ethnicity, gender, religion and more. These biases expose people in our society
to unfair treatment in healthcare and results in avoidable suffering or mortality.
Who is Dr. Augustus A. White III?
The Augustus A. White III Institute is based and inspired by the life and experiences of world-renowned orthopedic surgeon and medical educator Dr. Augustus A. White III. The Institute is dedicated to his mission to provide quality healthcare services to everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, marital status and/or sexual orientation.
A Visionary Leader & Inspiration
Dr. White is the Ellen and Melvin Gordon Distinguished Professor of Medical Education and Professor Emeritus of Orthopedics at Harvard University Medical School. A widely published author on spinal surgery and the biomechanics of the spine, Dr. White is also a leading national voice on the need for equitable healthcare. Throughout his career, Dr. White has committed himself to issues of diversity, and is nationally recognized for his work addressing health care disparities.

The Institute’s unique Stakeholder platform allows healthcare providers, businesses, community groups and government officials to work collaboratively on solutions to healthcare inequities instead of inadvertently working cross purposefully in silos.
The Institute’s unique Stakeholder platform allows healthcare providers, businesses, community groups and government officials to work collaboratively on solutions to healthcare inequities instead of inadvertently working cross purposefully in silos.
Services: What Can The Institute Do For You?
We serve the healthcare community by offering seminars, trainings, and lectures that push the confines of today's understanding of diversity and medicine. Learning, sharing, and implementing best practices advance equitable care across the various communities of stakeholders.

Actively engage in workshops with leading experts in the healthcare profession through 100% interactive and multi-topic sessions.

Learn from qualified professionals about how racial biases are permeating your medical sectors and how they can be addressed to decrease healthcare disparities.

There is a constant influx of new research across the world about racial biases and healthcare disparities. Lectures will keep you up to date on the newest innovations and communities surrounding inequality.

Career Development
Connect with colleagues and leading global experts to elevate your leadership, performance & wellness. The Institute provides diverse talent with information on professional advancement opportunities.
Covid 19 Vaccine
Access for Boston's Most Vulnerable
Five new COVID-19 vaccination sites have opened in neighborhoods disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Black and Latinx communities. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that Black and Latinx patients are nearly 3 times more likely to die of and about 4 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than white, non-Hispanic patients.

The 'Whitest Specialty,' Revisited
A recent STAT article by Usha Lee McFarling identified orthopedic surgery as "the whitest specialty." That's a problem many, perhaps most, orthopedic surgeons are aware of. But seeing it stated so bluntly is jolting

The Board of Directors work to optimize and foster an environment for diverse thought leadership. They serve as a platform to engage and support the execution of ideas that address healthcare disparity both on a national and local level.