Embracing Hope: The Transformative Power of Gender-Affirming Care

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June is Pride Month.

Hope Giselle is an organizer, author, artist, activist and DE&I specialist. You can find her acting as a Grand Marshal at the NYC Pride March, “Strength in Solidarity,” on June 25.

We live in a world that often shuns people who dare to challenge societal norms, but nevertheless my journey as a Black trans woman has been one of resilience, self-discovery and unwavering hope.

Today, I stand proudly as Hope Giselle, ready to share my story and highlight the critical role that gender-affirming care plays in improving the mental health and quality of life of transgender people.

Growing up, I felt a profound disconnect between the person I saw in the mirror and the person I knew myself to be on the inside. It was as though the essence of my soul clashed with the outward appearance of my assigned gender at birth. This internal conflict caused me immense distress, which led to depression, anxiety and a deep longing for authenticity.

A turning point for me came when I discovered the power of gender-affirming care. Gender-affirming care is a range of medical, psychological and social interventions aimed at aligning a person’s gender identity with their physical appearance and overall well-being.

For me, gender-affirming care began with therapy. Finding a compassionate and knowledgeable mental health professional who understood the unique challenges faced by trans people was instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities of my identity. Through therapy, I developed coping mechanisms, strengthened my self-esteem, and acquired the tools to confront the discrimination and stigma that often go with being transgender.

2023 (Photo/Hope Giselle)

Another crucial aspect of gender-affirming care has been hormone therapy (HT). Under the guidance of healthcare providers who specialized in transgender healthcare, I started a carefully tailored hormone regimen. The introduction of estrogen and anti-androgens into my body brought about profound changes — both physically and mentally. These changes not only aligned my appearance more closely with my true self but also had significantly improved my mental health.

The positive effects of gender-affirming care on my mental well-being cannot be overstated. As my external self started to match my internal identity, the weight of the gender dysphoria that had burdened me for so long was lifted. With each step forward, my confidence soared, enabling me to navigate the world with newfound self-assurance.

I was able to get the care I needed. But we must acknowledge the systemic barriers and disparities that prevent many trans people, particularly Black trans women, from accessing quality healthcare. Marginalized communities face disproportionate levels of discrimination, bias and inadequate healthcare coverage, exacerbating the mental health challenges they may already experience.

2023 (Photo/Hope Giselle)

Read “Removing Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening for the LGBTQ Community” >>

To create a more equitable healthcare system, it is imperative that we advocate for the inclusion of gender-affirming care as an essential part of comprehensive healthcare. This means ensuring that all healthcare providers receive education and training on transgender health issues, increasing accessibility to gender-affirming treatments and eliminating discriminatory practices such as insurance exclusions.

Mental health care must be made more accessible, and it has to be culturally competent. Trans individuals, especially those from marginalized communities, require mental health support that is sensitive to the intersecting factors of race, gender and sexuality. By addressing these systemic disparities, we can uplift the mental well-being of all trans people and foster a more compassionate, understanding and inclusive society.

As a Black trans woman, gender-affirming care has been nothing less than transformative. It has given me the strength to live authentically, the courage to advocate for my community — and the hope that a better future is within reach.

National Center for Transgender Equality
GLAAD Transgender Resources
Human Rights Campaign
Trans Lifeline