David Chanoff, PhD eleifend

Professional Writer

David Chanoff received his B.A. from The Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in English and American Literature from Brandeis University. He has written on current affairs, foreign policy, education, refugee issues, literary history, healthcare and other subjects for such publications as The New York Times Magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

It was my great good fortune that about twenty years ago I found myself collaborating with Joycelyn Elders, President Clinton’s first surgeon general. She introduced me to the health situation of the impoverished Black population and of disadvantaged people generally. The White Institute has given me the opportunity to continue working in a field that has such great significance nationally as well as to me personally.

He is a featured writer in the Washington Post’s anthology The Writing Life and his work appears in the current Norton Reader Anthology of Non-Fiction. His academic affiliations have been with Tufts University, Harvard, Boston College, and Brandeis in fields as varied as psychology, English language and literature, and anthropology. His twenty-two books include collaborations with former surgeon general Dr. Joycelyn Elders, healthcare disparities expert Dr. Augustus White, former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. William Crowe and former secretary of health and human services Dr. Louis Sullivan. Several of his books have been included among the New York Times Notable Books of the Year.


Among his more recent publications, his collaboration with Dr. Louis Sullivan [Breaking Ground] was named the NAACP’s Best Biography/Autobiography of 2015 Spies in the Family (with Eva Dillon) received the Association of Former Intelligence Officer’s award as Best Intelligence Book of 2017 His book From Crisis to Calling, a collaboration with his son Sasha, is about moral decision-making at critical moments of life.