My Health African American Survey


Below are health discovery details and resources for female African descent.
Answer to discover your health ailments and information to help you attain better health.

Discover your health disparities

* All questions are optional and asked to better serve eradicating health disparities in your community

Please Enter Your Zip Code (Optional)

Please Enter Your Zip Code (Optional)

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Please Enter Your Age (Optional)

Please Enter Your Age (Optional)

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Would you like to answer 3 more questions to help The Institute better understand your health disparities?

Would you like to answer 3 more questions to help The Institute better understand your health disparities?

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Additional Questions
Please answer the following anonymous questions. Your information will not be shared or tracked.

Please Select Your Race?*

Please Select Your Race?*

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Please Select Your Gender?*

Please Select Your Gender?*

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What Is Your Preferred Language

What Is Your Preferred Language

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