Community Engagement
The Institute’s community relationships will help publicize and promote services to benefit underserved communities.
Leadership & Best Practices
Participation within the Institute’s stakeholder ecosystem provides an opportunity to jointly present and exchange ideas, strategies, and practices to reduce health inequities.
Media Outreach
Be a part of webinars, roundtable and media discussions with political, community, business, medical science, and clinical leaders on current and long term issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion, and disparate care.
DE&I Programming & Events
We will work with your organization to develop programming and events directed at reducing inequities and otherwise promoting fairness and inclusivity.
Social Determinants
The Institute will partner to deliver social determinants programing addressing factors such as Food Scarcity, Education, Employment & Economic Stability, that negatively impact the future health of specific underserved populations.
The Institute will engage providers to identify and gain insight into high need and at-risk individuals to develop and define best practices to achieve better engagement outcomes.
Value Proposition
Partner and collaborate with the Institute and its ecosystem to design, develop, and deploy meaningful programs as well as jointly produce thought leadership and POV white papers.
The Institute will engage payers to better understand the costs associated with the delivery of healthcare services across different service platforms.
Value Proposition
The Institute will work collaboratively with healthcare, community and business leaders to define solutions to reduce healthcare costs, increase coverage efficiencies, and improve communications of the benefits of early detection services.
The Institute will engage pharma to communicate and educate communities on clinical trials for improved participation of diverse participants.
Value Proposition
Partner with the Institute to identify capability to capture and incorporate social and behavioral data to monitor and generate patient outcomes data as well as build awareness of social and behavioral barriers affecting target population.
The Institute will engage community organizations to gain insight and access to services driving community trends and barriers.
Value Proposition
Organizations can leverage joining a group of focused community stakeholders, which enables acess to desired audiences through a variety of channels, magnifying the potential for successful impact.
The Institute will partner with governments to provide policymakers key influential data points to achieve better healthcare policies.
Value Proposition
The Institute has an ecosystem of corporations, community leaders, and health professionals in Boston which can advise and push policies to remove barriers to care and produce impact community reporting of outcomes.
The Institute will engage and pursue sports and entertainment partnerships and alliances to ensure an expanded generational outreach.
Value Proposition
The Institute will shape community investments to ensure and guarantee the impact of community outreach programs via the Institute's Ecosystem.
The Institute will partner with academia to gain insight into research to accelerate education of communities into Social Determinants of Health, and recommend behavioral changes for better outcomes.
Value Proposition
The Institute provides networking opportunities with chief medical officers, the board of directors, and advisory boards (national, medical) to gain and share insights and thought leadership.
The Institute will engage businesses and corporations to identify investment commodities that provide a positive return within underserved communities.
Value Proposition
Through partnership and association, the Institute can provide improved brand awareness and introduce business opportunities with the ecosystem. The Institute will work with corporations to develop impact reporting.
The Institute invites the engagement of individuals, foundations, companies, and businesses to join our collaborative mission to reduce healthcare disparities, embrace our common humanity, and to reduce the negative impact of implicit and unconscious bias in our communities and workplaces.
Value Proposition
The Institute offers interested individuals and groups a vehicle to give back to their communities, and answer the call, “What can I do today to make a difference?”